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For more than 250 years, the watchmaking firm of Vacheron Constantin has depended upon skilled hands to construct its superb timepieces. Sometimes these same hands fall prey to the ravages of rheumatic disorders, among them such debilitating conditions as rheumatoid arthritis, and degenerative osteoarthritis.
To do their part to reduce the impact of these crippling afflictions upon the lives of watchmakers and other members of society, Vacheron Constantin has elected to finance the research projects of the Rheumasearch Foundation, an organization which supports specific rheumatology projects and research by various Geneva hospitals and laboratories.
Currently, the Rheumasearch Foundation is undertaking a tripartite project that seeks to better understand the inflammation mechanisms of the condition, discover a link between joint inflammation and an infecting organism, and create preventative treatment measures for those who are healthy, but at risk. Vacheron Constantin will be financing the Foundation's research efforts through the end of 2010.
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